Articles for tag: baloch missing persons, Balochistan, enforced disappearances, missing persons

Farhad Baloch

The Palestine in your own backyard

The Pakistan army’s atrocities in Balochistan are as condemnable as Israel’s actions in Palestine. If you express solidarity with one oppressed group and remain silent about the other, you are a hypocrite. The fervor displayed by Pakistani media, political figures, social activists, and celebrities in expressing support for Palestinians since October 7 has been evident. ...

News Desk

تربتءِ اهتجاجءِ اَرزشت

دَهے رۆچ اِنت که کێچءِ مزن‌شهر ترُبتءَ هزاراں مردم اهتجاجےءَ نِشته. اے اهتجاج، هما وهدا شرو بوت که بالاچِ مولا بخش سرکاری لشکرا کُشت ءُ بالاچءِ لۆگءِ مردماں لاش کَبر ءُ کَسارت کنگءِ بدلءَ تابوتےءَ کت ءُ تربتءِ چؤکءِ سرا نِشتنت که ما اِنساپ لۆٹێں. بالاچ 21 اکتوبرءِ شپءَ پؤجءَ چه لۆگءَ گِپت ءُ بُرت، ...

News Desk

Scars on our collective memory

In recent weeks, we have seen horrific scenes of pain, hopelessness and death on our social media timelines. We witnessed people collecting body parts of young men who had been bombed to pieces, and we saw images of grieving mothers, hands reaching towards the skies, mourning next to the coffins of their sons. Many Pakistanis might assume ...

آزمانکے چه پُتێنکاں: نۆکێں اُگده

دُکّانءَ بۆجگا اَتاں که بُرزێں تئوارے منی گۆشاں کپت. شپءِ نێما اے کئے اِنت؟ من گُڑِتاں. پدا دل جَم بوت که ناکۆ جامی اِنت. یک دمانے منی دست لرزگا لگّتنت، بلے پدا من کُبل پچ کت ءُ شٹَر بُرز کت. شٹرءِ گْرانێں تئوارءَ آ پدا کوکّارءَ لگِّت. اَڑے کئے اِنت؟ اَبدُل، تئو ئے؟ من که ...

Shehzad Obaid

مئے بازار سرجمءَ کبرستانے بوّان اَت

یکّۆئی هما درپ منی دێما اَت، آئیءِ سرءِ نکش ءُ نگار. آئیءِ ڈَن همینچو که زێبناک اَت، آئیءِ ته دو همینچو تُرسناک اَت. دلءَ ابێد سێنَگءِ دراهێں آزه همے درپانی تها اَتنت. دل انگت سێنگءِ تها اَت. چِلّ رۆچءَ پد آئیءِ دێما دئوائی جنَگ بوت ءُ دراهێں بالادءَ پَٹّی پتایگ بوت. رۆچءِ ائولی برانز همۆدا ...

Farhad Baloch

Patriarchy in the Baloch liberation movement

The Baloch liberation movement, a complex and enduring struggle for autonomy and justice, has long been revered for its resilience and commitment. However, beneath its noble objectives lies a disturbing truth: the prevalence of a deeply entrenched patriarchal structure and mentality within its core organizations. One cannot help but notice that the parties advocating for ...

Taj Baloch

زندگیءِ یکّێں کار

ترا جُستے کناں. اگں زندگی ترا بَس یک کارےءِ کنگءِ مۆکهءَ بِدنت، چے کنئے؟ آ کُجام کار اِنت که تئو گُشئے من چه رئوَگا پێسر اے کارءَ الّم کنگ لۆٹاں، تُری دگه هِچ کت مکناں. اگں اے مۆکه منا بِرسیت، زانئے من چے کناں؟ من یَک برے وَه دزبندی کناں که ”دواِش کن، پلیز.“ دو ...

News Desk

More than 50 killed in Mastung suicide blast

In the region of Mastung in Balochistan, the largest province of Pakistan, a tragic suicide attack occurred at a gathering commemorating the birth of the Prophet Mohammed. This heinous incident has resulted in the loss of more than 50 lives, as reported by both national and international media. As of now, law enforcement officials have ...

Sameer Mehrab

Mubarak Qazi a fearless poet

On the fateful night of September 15, 2023, the Baloch people came together to mourn the irreplaceable loss of one of their most illustrious poets, Qazi Mubarak. This profound grief flowed like a river, transcending boundaries and uniting diverse segments of Baloch society – from parliamentarians to resistance fighters, from commoners to students, from women ...