Articles for category: Balochi, Opinion

سئے سال گْوَست: ساجد حُسینءِ یاتءَ

ساجِسّین! اَے ساجسّینئے! دو مارچ اِنت، یار! دو مارچ چه 2020ءَ پد بلوچ کلچرڈے نه‌اِنت. همے دو مارچ، تاں ما سرپد بوتگیں که بلوچ کلچرڈے ءِ درگتءَ برجم دارگ بیت، ما اسلءَ نه زانته چون به کنیں. برے ما گوشتگ اَڑے بلوچانی وتی اڈّ کرتگیں ائیید اِنت، بله پدا اِش که اے روچءِ هالت تو ...

Sameer Mehrab

Baloch women vs Pakistan

The conflict between Islamabad and the Baloch has a history of the former’s insistence on running Balochistan as a place suspended in time where standard governance rules are not applied. The recent phase of this conflict started in 2005 with the rape of Doctor Shazia Khalid by an army captain in Sui that enraged Bugti ...

Taj Baloch

مردم‌شُماری، کئومی شناخت ءُ مادَری زُبان

مارچ ءُ اپریلءَ پاکستان مردم‌شُماری کنت. هکومت مردماں هِساب کنت. چیا کنت؟ سَرکار اِنت. چوناها باز جاگهءَ اے مردم‌شُماری دیری هلّته. مردم سِهَت، تالیم، روزگار، سجهیں ادارهاں رجسٹر اَنت. مردمے مِریت، رجسٹر بیت. مردمے پیدا بیت، هسپتال ءُ سرکارانی کِرّا رجسٹر بیت. مُلک اِشیءِ هسابءَ دارنت، که په مردماں لوگ پکار اِنت، کار ءُ روزگار ...

Karima Baloch

گچین ءُ چار ءُ گُزار اِنت پدا منی ڈیهءَ

مرچاں راجدوستیءِ مانا مَٹ بوتگ۔ راجءِ بھا کنگ ءُ راجءِ نامءِ سرا باپار کنگ راجءِ پرَستِش گوَشگ ءُ زانَگ بنت۔ بوت کنت که مئے کَمزانتی اِنت یا وھد ءُ جاوَرانی ھمراھیءَ لبزانی مانا مَٹّ بنت، پیشءَ چو بوتگ که ھئیال مَٹّ بوتگ اَنت، پِکر مَٹّ بوتگ، لیکه (نظریه) مَٹّ بوتگ اَنت، مروچاں وَ راجدوستی ءُ ...

Karima Baloch

سفارتکاری بلوچ جُنزءِ مستریں زلورتے

نۆٹ: اے نبشتانک چه اردوءَ رجانک کنگ بوتگ۔ بلوچستان سئے اهمیں تاکَتءِ نیامءَ اَنچیں زمینے که هر وهدا جهانی ءُ دمَگی تاکَت بلوچستانءِ نیمَگا دِلمانَگ بوتگ‌اَنت. اَنچو که اے دمَگءَ پاکستان جهانی تاکَتانی زلورت بوتگ، همے دابءَ بلوچستانءَرا پاکستانءِ چیردست کنگ هم همایانی دلءِ تَبءَ بوتگ. بلوچستان اَنچیں جاگهےءَ اِنت که اگں اے وئیرانَگے هم ...

Sheraz Baloch

Baloch identity and the World Cup

Baloch identity and the World Cup

As a child growing up in Malir in the ‘90s, the most exciting time was the month of the football world cup every four years. The entire town would turn into a mini United Nations, people cheering for different nations, with flags on full mast on rooftops. Well, mainly Brazilian, Argentine, and German colours but ...

Sameer Mehrab

Balochistan Floods: What needs to be done

The floods in Balochistan have left a trail of destruction and ruin. Years of infrastructural neglect and the absence of urban and rural planning have added to the severity of the devastation. Balochistan has for years shown signs of water shortage and deforestation that, with the added effect of climate change and unsustainable agricultural and ...

Abdullah Abbas

Persecution of Baloch women is nothing new

Last Sunday, the Counter-Terrorism Department picked up a woman in district Kech and claimed she was planning to carry out a suicide attack on Chinese nationals. The contents of the FIR against the 40-year-old Noor Jan could not have been more fictional. The CTD is known to register fake cases. An M.Phil student, Abdul Hafeez, ...

Riaz Baloch

Zahid Baloch: Eight years of enforced disappearance

It has been eight years since Zahid Baloch was abducted by Pakistan’s secret agencies on March 18, 2014, from Quetta. Zahid Baloch was abducted along with Assad Baloch, a student and resident of Tump, in the presence of Banuk Karima Baloch and other eyewitnesses. He was the chairman of Baloch Students Organization-Azad, the largest and ...

News Desk

BLA attacks

This week’s attacks by the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) in Nushki and Panjgur proved that the uprising in Balochistan is truly alive. Only a few years ago, Pakistani authorities tried to believe that the Baloch militants were losing their support base and that their fight was on its deathbed. The Wednesday attacks were sophisticated, signalling ...