Articles for tag: Baloch, baloch missing persons, Balochistan, enforced disappearances, missing persons, Pakistan, pakistan military, Sajid Hussain

شَرّێں ڈاکٹرءِ جنِکّ

نۆٹ: نامدارێں اهوالکار ءُ گِدارنئویس محمد حنیفءَ بێگواهێں بلۆچانی سرا کتابے نبشته کرتگ. اے کتاب ایچ آر سی پیءَ چاپ ءُ شنگ کرتگ. تاج بلۆچ ءُ ساجد حسینءَ اے کسّه په بلۆچستان‌ٹائمزءِ وانۆکاں بلۆچیءَ ترّێنتگ‌اَنت ءُ اے کسّه یک یکءَ اِدا شنگ بوتگ‌اَنت. اے کسّه ڈاکٹر دین محمدءِ سرا اِنت. اے مردم گْوشنت که بازێں ...

Taj Baloch

دین جان: آزاتێں کندگانی بندیگێں واهُند

دین جان من ائولی رندا شالءَ اِشکُت. جی. دین جان اِشکنگ پێسرا بوت ءُ گِندگ رندا. دین جانءِ کرّا سر بوّگا پێسر، چه میلّے راها تئو دین جانءِ کندگ اِشکُتنت. بلاهێں، زنده‌دلیں کندگ، اَسلی والا، چه دلءِ جُهلانکءَ اَتکنت. بچکندئےِ هم سکّ شئوک اَت. ءُ مُدام بچکندگا اَت. نازُرکێں زێبائێں بچکندے پورا پۆٹۆکاپی کتگ ءُ ...

News Desk

Accused Baloch women sent to prison for lack of women-only lock-ups

The four Baloch women forcibly disappeared by paramilitary personnel and then handed over to the civilian law enforcers last week have now been shifted to prison for lack of women-only lock-ups at the police station. The Anti-Terrorism Department had requested a judicial magistrate yesterday, December 2, to let them shift the women, booked on terrorism ...

News Desk

Four Baloch women forcibly picked up since yesterday

Update: The four Baloch women forcibly disappeared by paramilitary FC personnel yesterday were handed over to the civilian Levies force earlier today. Awaran’s Levies officials released a photo of the women, claiming they were arrested for possession of arms and ammunition.   Pakistan’s security forces have reportedly whisked away at least four Baloch women from ...

Sameer Mehrab

A photo by an unknown artist about power politics.

The role of law in Baloch-Pakistan conflict

Why ask the Baloch to follow Pakistan’s constitution, when the state itself disregards its laws in punishing the Baloch for not following Pakistan’s constitution? The constitution is a social contract between the state and its citizens to govern and to be governed under a set of agreed-upon laws. The Baloch people had no role in ...

Dr Naseem Baloch

Photo by Haneef Shareef

Tales from the Dungeon: Dr Naseem Baloch (Part II)

In the Tales from the Dungeon series of Balochistan Times, former victims of enforced disappearance recount their ordeal. Dr Naseem Baloch was forcibly disappeared twice. He was first whisked away by security forces in 2005 along with Dr Imdad Baloch, Dr Allah Nizar, Dr Yousuf Murad, Ghulam Rasool, Akhtar Nadeem and Ali Nawaz Gohar, all ...

Sajid Hussain

Ghulam Mohammad Baloch: Life and politics

Ghulam Mohammed Baloch was one of the most influential nationalist leaders in the contemporary Baloch politics. His political career spanned from 1974 when he was still in school till April 2009 when he was picked up by Pakistan’s paramilitary Frontier Corps personnel and eventually assassinated. In his 35-year political career, he always remained a staunch ...