Articles for author: Qambar Malik Baloch

Qambar Malik Baloch

زبان ءِ ارزشت ءُ بلوچی

نبشته کار قمبر مالک خورشید کریم بنی آدم ءِ بنکّی ارزشت چاگرد ءَ گوں بندوک انت ءُ چاگرد ءَ لہتیں دودمانی میار مہکم ءُ توانا کننت۔ ہمے دودمانی میاراں چه درستاں گیشتر توانا زبان انت۔ زبان ءِ بندات ءُ آئی ءِ دیمروئی ءِ سرا بازیں گمان ءُ مپروزہ  ہست انت کہ ایشانی سرا کلیں زبانزانت ...

Qambar Malik Baloch

Source: Reuters

Pakistan’s collapsing economy and its impact on Baloch and Sindhi national struggle

The collapsing Pakistani economy is not only worrying for its patrons and lenders but minorities like the Baloch and Sindhis are increasingly expressing their concerns about its political and social implications on these two nations. Pakistan: the changing allies? As a client state, since its existence, Pakistan has been rescued by the US and its ...

Qambar Malik Baloch

The Islamization of Balochistan

Bordering Iran to the west, Afghanistan to the north and laying at the Strait of Hormuz to the south, Balochistan is generally known for its strategic importance, prodigious riches, an ongoing nationalist insurgency, and human rights challenges. Underneath this lies a systematic and diabolic subversion triggered by the military establishment of Pakistan which, as a ...