Articles for tag: Balochistan, Baluchistan, Sajid Hussain

Sajid Hussain

دو بَر چاپ: سْیَه‌گْواتئے ڈێه

نۆدان. تپَتگێن سِنگ و سورمگێن کۆهانی ڈێه. گۆریچ، لِوار و سْیَه‌گْواتئے هَنکێن. کَسانیا ،کۆهان که سیَه‌گواتا بستگ، ما تچان تچانا ماتئے همراهیا پێژگاهئے تاپێن گُد و تهتانی سرئے هیران چتگ‌اَنت و بانئے تها پنهگیر بوتگێن. دَروازگئے بندگئے همراهیا گوات هم ژپّگا رَستگ. ما دروازگ گۆن دوێن دستان تان هما وهدا داشتگ تان گواتا بَسّ نکرتگ، ...

News Desk

The fate of Baloch refugees in Afghanistan

As major cities in Afghanistan continue to fall to the Taliban and the country close to the brink of complete collapse, hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, are fleeing their homes and taking refuge in the capital Kabul and the neighbouring countries. In several cases, families have stayed but sent their daughters away fearing the ...

Taj Baloch

انساپئے لۆٹ و انکارئے دۆد

چار سالی نُنُّک، برَمش که بیست و شَش مئییا تربتا ٹَپّی بوت ته سجّهێن بلۆچان وتی سالانی بےبرَمشی هلاس کرت و مێتگ و بازاران در آتکنت. برَمشئے مات بیبی ملکناز چه همے دُزّانی تیران بێرانَ بیت که برمشئے دلبندا لگّنت. لۆگئے مردم یک دُزّے گِرنت و اندگه دو تچیت. دُزّا کارڈے کیسگا بیت، اِم آییئے ...

Naimat Haider

Balochistan leaders’ emoji war

After words of taunt over a Coronavirus ward were seemingly not conveying the right images, leaders in Balochistan on Thursday started an emoji war. Current and former chief ministers, MPAs and spokesmen all took part. They laughed, cried and rolled on the floor, while Twitter watched. It began with poetry. “This is just really sad,” ...

Yousuf Murad Baloch

The man who ran out of luck

I had always thought of Balochistan as a land of poets and storytellers until I was introduced to yet another perspective the other day. “Balochistan is the land of lucky people,” said my local Pakistani shopkeeper here in Germany with an envious smirk. “All of the Baloch get asylum here.” The perspective of the lucky ...

Lateef Johar

No peace for Balochistan

Nothing stops the Pakistani army from violating the Baloch people’s rights, not even natural calamities. There have been reports of enforced disappearances in Balochistan on a daily basis despite a call from the United Nations to stop armed activity during the ongoing global pandemic. The army in fact tries to cash in on natural disasters ...

ساجد هُسئین، اهوالکاری و بێگواهی

من پئیسبُکپا ساجد هسئینۓ گپ و ترانے اشکت. یکّے آییا سویڈنۓ بارئوا جستَ کنت که چۆنێن ملکے؟ گوشیت که اے ملکۓ مردم وتی جاگها ادۓ کُچکّان هم کس دست جتَ نکنت. کچک هم مهپوز اَنت. تربت تهسیلۓ سۓ ورنا، کَدّ و اُمرا سَر و نێمسرَ بنت. ساجد هُسئین، شاهمیر بلۆچ و سئیمی کیّا کادر. اِشان ...

Taj Baloch

ساجد، پلیز واتَر کن

دلگۆش: اے نبشتانک نامیێن اهوالکار و ناول‌نویس مهمد هنیفا په بی بی سی اردوا نبشته کرتگ و تاج بلۆچا په بلۆچستان‌ٹایمزا بلۆچیا رجانک کرتگ ێکے وه اِش که چه سجّهێنان سۆگه‌تِر اَت. کۆهان سر کپگۓ هچ شئوکی نێست‌اَت. ٹئینکانی دێما وپسگۓ واهگی نێست‌اَت. سیاستی انچۆ کُرت که پورا نۆکێن سازێۓ جنَگ در برَگا اِنت. اهوالکاری‌ای ...

Yaseen Ghani

Sajid Hussain a rare gem

The news of Sajid Hussain’s disappearance in Sweden is awfully shocking. He is someone who uses his pen to highlight the issue of Balochistan’s missing persons, who are abducted and killed by Pakistan’s powerful military. The very reason he was forced to become a refugee was to avoid the evident risk of being added to ...

Zahid Abdulla

The shelter from the storm

A letter to Sajid Hussain Hello Guru! Let’s make one thing clear. If you are expecting that I will write an eulogy or another emotional piece, you are wrong. I think you remember very well once I told you: “Nothing excites me anymore”. Honestly, when I said that, I was imagining becoming as cold as ...