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Taj Baloch

تئیی دُنیا ترا گۆن اِنت

هما اِنت سهی بوتگ‌اَت که دْرَچک هم وت‌مان‌وتا هبرَ کننت: زمینئے چێرا، درچک دو کئیمیکل پێدا کننت؛ همے دوێن کئیمیکل که چه هر درچکا پێدا بنت، سجهێن درچکانی نیاما هالانی برۆک و آرۆک اَنت، گۆن درچکان آییئے رشته بدل بوتگ‌اَت. جێڑتی که درچکے که آبادَ بیت و کَشئے درچک که ناگئورَ بیت، گۆن یکے دومیا ...

Noroz Hayat

Mehráni Gelagdáré

“Mani bazzagi cha kabrá ganter ent. Man anchén Balóchestánéá tálók dárán ke ódá har saymi lóg hamé torsay ámách ent ke “mani chokkán nabarant?” Har domi lógá may chokk, may brát bégwáh ant. Har yak lógéá latth o kotthén jóné dast kaptag. Man hamá lógay mardom án, man hamá lógay victim án.  Mani lógá mani ...

Yasir GM

مُرتگێن جۆنێۓ رُدگ

دلگۆش: ساجد حسینئے اے انگرێزی نبشتانک ایوولوشن آف اے ڈیڈ باڈی، 2016 آ بلۆچستان‌ٹایمزا شنگ بوتگ. انون واجه یاسرا په مئے وانۆکان بلۆچێا ترّێنتگ. بیست سالَگیا، نبشته‌کارے بئیگئے واهگدار، من په ھر ھما مردمئے گِندُکا ھُدۆک اتاں که یک نه یک وڑێا گۆں لبزانکا بندۆک اَت. من گۆں مردمێا دُچار کپتاں. 2002 آ. ما دوێنانی ...

Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

Who is to blame?

Augusts do not augur well for Baloch people. Not that other months are any less gory and less punishing for them but somehow this month becomes painful for a reason of its own. To mention just a few; on August 26 falls the martyrdom of Nawab Akbar Bugti who was unlawfully killed in the Marri ...

Carina Jahani

Facing exile, facing taunts

Note: This is an English translation of Sajid Hussain’s Balochi piece Darándhéhi pa saré o shegán pa saré The story of my exile began on that unfortunate day when an ill-fated interest in literature came over me. It seems that every writer I liked had been in exile at some time. Marquez had been, Kundera too. ...

Sameer Mehrab

Systematic violence in Balochistan

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed the world forever with some governments even contemplating providing universal health care and living wages to all citizens. But what has not changed is the systematic violence by the Pakistani state against unarmed Baloch civilians. Abductions, torture and summary executions by the security forces are the order of the day ...

Yusra Atta

Turbat doesn’t feel like home anymore

The past few months have felt nothing more than changing hashtags. First, the hashtag was Bramsh, an innocent child who had been injured and her mother murdered before her eyes. Then we were introduced to #JusticeForKulsoom, seeking punishment for killers of a woman whose throat had been slit at her home and that too in ...

Imran Nur

بےدَروَرین تامُر مَلار

“و ڈائریئے سرجمێں تاک اِسپێت اسپێت اِتنت بس یک تاکێئے سرا نِبشته اَت: ”برے برے بے مکسدا اۆں بِکند”اے ملارئے بنداتی گپ اَنت بَله وهدے که آسرا رَسئے، ته الّم مُلورَ بئے، گرێوگیَ بئے، ترا سَما بیت که چیزے پَشت کپت، تئو جێڑئے که چُش چیا بوت؟ و پدا تئیی دلَ گوَشیت بکند، بے مکسدا ...

Mahnoor Mirwani

The smile that we lost

Every time I entered my classroom, I saw over a dozen students and a smile. A captivatingly genuine smile that made him what he was: Hayat, life. Ah, the irony. You would always find him smiling, a smile that reached your heart. He had this art of easing the tensest of situations. He would crack ...

News Desk

August a dreaded month in Balochistan

August is a dreaded month in Balochistan. It’s full of important, painful dates, with almost every year adding yet another death anniversary in the calendar. This year has already added Hayat Baloch to the list — and, frighteningly, we are still only about halfway through the month. In August, Balochistan experiences violence as the security ...