Articles for category: Opinion

Mureed Baloch

The evolution of Baloch social media

  Like every morning, I woke up with half an eye open and a hand crawling under the blanket looking for the phone. Time check, news check, Twitter check, and scroll down to unread texts. Before I could realize I was reading a random article on how human bodies are taller in the morning than ...

Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

Why politics is necessary for students

November 26, 1967, is the foundation day of the Baloch Students’ Organization and it is now 49 years old. In the intervening years, it has seen a lot of ups and downs but has proved its mettle in the Baloch national struggle and remains as its vanguard, the nursery for the future Baloch leadership. Now ...

Hangul Saeed

Bad times too fly away

Hangul Saeed is a student and she tells our readers how she fought back against her fears. She writes beautifully.  As the sun of the dawn comes seeping down the mountainsides, showering its golden shades on trees, the sensitive soul of mine arises with new hopes and dreams, discovering pleasure and beauty in the ordinary ...

Mahnoor Mustafa

Women make the world more beautiful

Mahnoor Mustafa, a college-going student in Balochistan’s Turbat city, writes about violence against women.   Anti-women laws, gender-violence, honour-killings, rape and abuse – the list of transgressions against women is unending. According to a paper, four out of every five women in Pakistan face some form of domestic abuse. A blind girl was once charged ...

Sajid Hussain

A guide to becoming a patriotic Pakistani

This article, written by novelist and journalist Mohammed Hanif in Urdu, was published on BBC Urdu on November 10, 2016. Translation of Hanif’s nuanced and subtle writings is no easy job. The translator accepts responsibility for the numerous shortcomings that you might find in the English version. When certificates for traitors, enemies of the country and ...

Farah Naz Baloch

Identification of women in our society

While living in a patriarchal society the identification of women is questionable. No justice can be found regarding gender issues as from the very beginning woman is made as the ‘other’ to man, and man has been the subject to the object (woman) A French writer, Simon de Beauvoir, in her book The Second Sex, ...

M.K. Abdul

Naela’s demand for govt in exile backfires

Baloch activist Naela Qadri is in India again and this time she is seeking the Indian government’s help to form a Baloch government in exile. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement about highlighting the Baloch cause in the aftermath of the latest tensions between Pakistan and India on Kashmir has given a new lifeline to ...

A thin red line

Revolutionary struggles demand of its proponents, leaders and supporters that if anyone assumes authority in the name of the people it also means that he or they are answerable to people and cannot act arbitrarily by making peoples’ will the excuse for the use or misuse of that authority. No one can be allowed to ...

Zahid Abdulla

Moral policing in Turbat varsity

I was not shocked at all. I know such things happen in a society where the religious and political narratives are highly concentrated on controlling the “inappropriate interactions” between male and female. I am referring to the notice issued by the University of Turbat’s Office of the Registrar (Kech) on Wednesday March 18, 2016. The ...

Is nationalism fascism?

Recently the ‘Sindh Writers and Thinkers Forum’ in Karachi arranged a dialogue on ‘Internationalism and nationalism’’ after a debate in Sindh in which some people equated nationalism with fascism. I was invited by friends and I expressed my views and the piece below was the basis of my talk. A debate is going on in ...