Articles for category: Opinion

Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

Khush Hal Balochistan or Khush Hal China?

Recently the Pakistani army chief, during his visit to Quetta, said that the army would provide full support to the federal and provincial governments for the execution and success of ‘Khush Hal Balochistan’ (KHB) programme. This initiative aimed at development of the province was discussed at a meeting presided over by the army chief during ...

Sajid Hussain

Remembering happier times for Baloch women and children

As the Baloch across the world are crying foul over the ‘abduction’ of their women and children by security forces, it is consoling to reminisce about the not-so-distant past when our women and children enjoyed a happier life with some significant powers. Baloch women realized their power and freedom in 2005. It was the year ...

Women, children and family members of Abdul Razzaq Baloch, who had been missing since March, hold a banner and posters during a protest outside Karachi Press Club June 4, 2013. REUTERS/Stringer/Files

Baloch, Balochistan and their Struggle

Nations cannot be manufactured on basis of common religion, ideology or geography as has been the case in Pakistan, Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Soviet Union and Yugoslavia are no more and in Pakistan fault lines appear daily; you cannot simply lump people together and tell them they are a nation now. Certainly you cannot manufacture ...

News Desk

Self-determination and the Baloch national question

By Hassan Hamdam Introduced during First World War as a political principle in order to resolve the emerging and complex national questions in Europe, the right to self-determination or freedom of choice without outside influence has become a legitimate right of the subjugated people in a 21st century world. Intertwined with the theory of self-determination are ...

Naseer Dashti

CPEC: the Baloch Perspective

CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) is one segment of the proposed ‘One Belt One Road’ program of the Chinese government aimed at expanding Chinese economic and strategic influence in Asia. It involves a road and rail link from the Baloch town of Gwadar to Western Chinese city of Kashgar. Several special economic zones will be ...

Dostain Dostain

Aristotle’s formula for normal living

  In corrida, the bull rider’s adrenaline runs high as he risks his life while mounted atop a bucking bull. An eagle’s eyes shine as it playfully chases its prey in the sky. A cheeta smiles as the target slips away from it. A person of intellect cherishes the company of like-minded people where they can ...

A slow motion Chernobyl disaster

Coal is an unforgiving servant as it exacts its proverbial ‘pound of flesh’ from its masters. To begin with, mined coal needs to be washed of impurities which produce a fantastic amount of coal sludge (slurry) that in turn needs a dam for storage. This sludge contains mercury, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, nickel and selenium, all ...

Balochistan and March 27

The present situation in Balochistan is critical in the political context which is naturally overshadowed by an armed conflict that has ebbed and flowed in different periods but never seen a complete victory of either side. This situation has now become critical as both sides struggle hard for political and military gains. The Baloch armed ...

Shah Meer Baloch

All eyes are on Makran

World politics is reshaping. So is Makran’s, long known as a center of secular and liberal thought. In January, Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind, chief of the Rind tribe and President of the Balochistan chapter of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), visited Balochistan’s non-tribal Makran Division in a first-ever political foray to the area. Talk of Rind’s visit ...

Dostain Dostain

But I am a man

There are eyes that look deep into my heart, oppugn the scratches on my forehead, observe my gait and feel the weariness of my tone. There are open arms waiting to penetrate into my chest to translate inner feelings. There is a welcoming, romantic smile on pink lips to make me realize how important I ...