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میڈیاۓ کِرد

دلگۆش: اے نبشتانک تاکبند ‹بام› 2009آ چاپ و شِنگ بوتگ.   گْوَستگێں امریکی سَدر هئیری ٹرومئینا گوشتگ‌اَت: ‹منا وتی مهلوکاتئے سرا بزّگَ بیت که چه هالتاکئے وانَگا همے وَشمَنّیا گرپتار اِنت که آ دنیائے چست و اێرانی بارئوا سرپد اِنت›. دنیائے تها همک رۆچ هزاراں سیاسی، سماجی، ماشی چست و اێرَ بیت بله چه اِشاں ...

Mehlab Naseer

من درهێں هَنداں گۆلِت و رَپتاں

اورشِکتا من کرۆنائے هئیالداری کرت و کمّے دور اۆشتاتان و گۆں دو جنێنا گوَشت که شئیڈئے چێرا نِشتگ‌اتنت. گِندگا ارَب اتنت. جنێنان منا جُستی اندازێا چارِت. وٹ ٹائم اِز اِٹ؟ [2] اِشیئے سْویڈش من نزانت. تتَکلّم ارَبِسکا؟ [3] چه آیاں یکّێا جُست کرت. شْوِیّا شْویّا [4] من چه وتی لهتێں دێری در بُرتگێں اربیاں گوَشت. ...

Sameer Mehrab

BALOCH MISSING PERSONS: Activists and family members march in protest in Islamabad as the police try to stop them.

Silence of international community on Balochistan

The issue of missing persons in Balochistan has taken a heavy toll on friends and family of those abducted by Pakistan’s security forces. Thousands of Baloch political activists and human rights advocates have been ‘disappeared’ without any warrant, most languishing in torture cells for years, others ending up dead and mutilated. This trauma is a ...

Malguzaar Baloch

چه دلا مِهر و مُراداں پچ گرنت

بلۆچی زێمرئے تاریخ باز کوهن اِنت. پهلئوانی دئورا بلۆچی اهدی شئیر و شئیروَند جنَگ بوتگ. آیانی وتی اسَر و شیرکنیے. پدا وَڑ وڑێں گیدی سئوت، زهیرگ، لیلۆ و نازێنک جنگ بوتگ، اِشانی وتی اسَرے بوتگ.اے درهێں رَنگ شَرّ گۆش دارگ و ساڑایَگ بوتگ‌اَنت. پَدا نۆکێں دئورے بِندات بوتگ. هاس هِندی ساز و زێمِرا بلۆچیئے گۆش ...

News Desk

Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement chief Manzoor Pashteen on Saturday visited families of Baloch missing persons in Islamabad.

The charade that’s the Missing Persons Commission

Families of some abducted Baloch activists recently complained about the behaviour of members of a commission formed by the government for the recovery of missing persons. A few said they were even told not to appear before the commission if they were not satisfied with its workings. They were ridiculed and asked the same basic ...

Mahganj Baloch

My sister’s coffin vs the agencies

When my mother and I went to the airport in 2015 to leave my sister Karima Baloch, I told her the next time she would return, thousands would welcome her. Thousands indeed did. On January 24 this year, I could not believe I was going to the airport to receive the body of my beloved ...

Haris Ahmed

Karima Baloch’s journey

‘It is mine, the decision to go back to Balochistan any time I want is mine. I won’t let Pakistan make that decision for me.’ These were Karima Baloch’s words to the BBC in 2016. Even in exile, Karima insisted she had never left her homeland, and despite all the threats and harassment from Pakistan’s ...

News Desk

Karima Baloch’s funeral

Pakistan’s security officials abducted Karima Baloch’s body from Karachi airport early Sunday morning. Against her family’s wish, armed soldiers escorted them and the ambulance carrying her body out of the city. Initially, we thought the thinking behind this drastic action was to stop the family from passing through Lyari on their way to Balochistan as ...

Sameer Mehrab

My sister Karima deserved better

We were glad when Canadian authorities issued my sister Karima Baloch a visa due to her political activism in Balochistan and the threats to her life by the Pakistan army. We were thankful because, after years of hardships for our family and Balochistan, a Western progressive country recognised her work. We thought she would now ...