Articles for author: Sameer Mehrab

Sameer Mehrab

ما و دُنیا

دُنیایا کئوم ہست و تکریبَن گیشتریں کئوماں ملک ہم ہست۔ ہر کسا کہ ملک نیست، بزاں ماتا نئیاورتگ۔ ما بلوچ ہم انچیں کئومے ایں کہ مارا ملک و سرڈگار ہست بلہ دگرانی دستا ایں، مارا سیاسی واک و وتواجہی نیست۔ ما انچو گواتا گون ایں، بزاں ما بئے نہ ایں۔ پرچا؟ کہ دُنیا بے ایمان ...

Sameer Mehrab

A letter to cousin Behrouz Bochani in Manus Island

Hey Behrouz Bochani, I will take the liberty of calling you Cousin. But don’t be taken aback or take me as a pusher. Let me explain. I am a Baloch from the Pakistani occupied Balochistan. My people, for some reason, believe that the Kurds are their cousins and somehow we got separated in the distant ...

Sameer Mehrab

Ali Wazir and Mohsin Dawad -- Internet photo

May God save us; military has found a new enemy

A few days ago in North Waziristan, Pakistani army attacked a peaceful public rally headed by elected members of the National Assembly Ali Wazir and Mohsin Dawar. The army claimed it was in their defence that they opened fire at the protesters. It claimed Ali Wazir and Mohsin Dawar were leading an armed assault on ...

Sameer Mehrab

The Shepherd, The Greek and The Colonel

Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.   The Shepherd (i) It all started one dreadful afternoon when The Shepherd ...

Sameer Mehrab

A photo by an unknown artist about power politics.

The role of law in Baloch-Pakistan conflict

Why ask the Baloch to follow Pakistan’s constitution, when the state itself disregards its laws in punishing the Baloch for not following Pakistan’s constitution? The constitution is a social contract between the state and its citizens to govern and to be governed under a set of agreed-upon laws. The Baloch people had no role in ...

Sameer Mehrab

In the loving memory of uncle Noor Ahmad

Karima called me while on her way to the Pearson airport, Toronto. She was heading to Montreal for the hearing of her asylum case which had been delayed for two years. She told me she had received a call from our younger sister back home that there were unconfirmed reports about the discovery of a ...

Sameer Mehrab

Here I am

Saddened but not broken Shackled but not hindered   I fell from your blows, Harsh and continuous, I fell but not subdued My gaze still upwards Aspiring for the sun   I heard one of us fell today Darkness consumed another son of light To stop what has been heralded, For quite sometime   A ...

Sameer Mehrab

انسانی تاریخئے سرا گونڈێن چمشانکے

اشی ءِ مزنیں بہرے تاج بلوچ ءَ چہ سمیر محراب ءِ انگریزی نبشتانک ءَ رجانک کُتگ۔ آ کجام بود اِنت کہ ما انسانءَ را چہ اِندگہ سجہیں سہداراں بالاتِر کنت۔ اسلءَ جینَس ہومو بزاں انسانی نسلءِ تہا ہزاراں سال پیسر، بید ء مارا بازیں دگہ انسانی زات ہوار بوتہ۔ انچو کہ کُچک، روباہ، گُرک یکّیں ...

Sameer Mehrab

I’ll meet you some day

I always believed I’ll meet you some day Like old friends Or former lovers Bumping into one another In strange countries At ordinary cafes Where you were not supposed to go Where you were not supposed to be But somehow, someway Our paths cross And we meet for no apparent reason   Some call it ...

A brief history of humankind

The march of history is long and mysterious in many ways. In the last 150,000 years, our species has evolved much from an ape-like tree-dwelling mammals of genus homo. There are a number of theories about what make us human, or superior to other animals in terms of our impact on the ecological system, or ...