Articles for tag: Balochistan, fundamentalism, gender equality, girls education, Shaheena Shaheen, women rights

Waleed Lal Baloch

Art by Shaheena Shaheen

شاھینه شاھین

مرچی شاھینه شاھینءِ کۆشءَ سئے سال کُبل بوت. شاهینهءَ چه لَبزانک، هالکاری، فائن آرٹ، انسانی هکّ ءُ چاگردی سرگرمیانی راهءَ جنِکّانی آوازءِ تئوانا کنگءِ راه دَر رُپتنت. شاهینه، مئے چاگردءَ هما سجّهێں سِلّێں نام پِر بَستنت که اے دابێں دلێرێں جنِکّےءَ بندگ بوت کننت. کُشنده تاں رۆچِ مرچیءَ آزاد اَنت، البت جنێنانی اِمپاوَرمنٹ ءُ جنِکّانی، ...

Fatima Lal

Dr Malik’s education emergency was a hollow promise

In January 2014, the then Chief Minister, Dr Malik Baloch, declared an education emergency in Balochistan, vowing to uplift the dismal state of education in the province. Four years later, it is time to ponder what has been achieved since then. Balochistan covers approximately 47 percent of the landmass of Pakistan, but its people have ...